Estas son investigaciones que revelan diferencias de estabilidad del ADN entre vegetarianos y no vegetarianos, además de fumadores vs no fumadores (de tabaco).
Los invetigadores, usando técnicas adecuadas, comprobaron que los vegetararianos tienen ADN más estable que los que siguen dietas omnívoras; es decir, en estos últimos se observa mayor daño que los vegetarianos. Lo mismo entre no fumadores y fumadores, ya que los fumadores también tienen mayor inestabilidad en su ADN.
Me parece que la causa esté, al menos, muy relacionada con el perfil redox de los seguidores de dietas vegetarianas (en general mejor que los omnívoros), por la mayor incoporación de sustancias antioxidantes y por la menor incorporación de sustancias pro oxidantes, como el hierro, grasas saturadas y otras más.
Este trabajo permite entender que las dietas vegetarianas (así como no fumar) son mas protectivas que las dietas omnívoras, en cuando a la estabilidad del Ácido Desoxirribonuncléico (ADN o DNA), con las posibles consecuencias de la inestabilidad de esta macromolécula, como son ciertos cánceres.
The effect of smoking and eating habits on DNA damage in Indian population as measured in the Comet assay
Alok Dhawan, Neeraj Mathur, Prahlad Kishore Seth
Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, P.O. Box 80, M.G. Marg, Lucknow 226 007, Uttar Pradesh, India
PMID:11239969 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
This study was undertaken with the aim of assessing the status of DNA damage in a normal healthy Indian population. The 62 male volunteers in this study belonged to the smoking, non-smoking, vegetarian and non-vegetarian categories, were well educated and aged between 23 and 57 years. The data revealed significant differences in the extent of DNA damage in the smokers versus non-smokers as well as between the vegetarians and non-vegetarians. A significant difference was also observed amongst the different groups of smokers depending on the extent of smoking. An age-dependent effect in DNA damage was also observed. This preliminary study has, for the first time, revealed differences in the extent of DNA damage in the normal Indian population depending on their eating and smoking habits as well as age. \
Oxidative DNA damage in relation to nutrition.
Krajcovicová-Kudlácková M, Dusinská .M
Oxidative DNA damage in humans could arise also from incorrect nutritional habit and life style. DNA strand breaks with apurinic/apyrimidinic sites, oxidized purines and oxidized pyrimidines were assessed in 24 subjectively healthy vegetarians (plant food, dairy products, eggs) and compared with 24 non-vegetarians (traditional diet, general population). DNA strand breaks + oxidized purines are significantly reduced in vegetarians (p<0.05), DNA strand breaks are nonsignificantly decreased. The sufficient antioxidative status (overthreshold values of natural essential antioxidants, which mean a reduced risk of free radical disease) is crucial in free radical defense. Intake of protective food commodities (fruit, vegetables, dark grain products, grain sprouts, oil seeds) is significantly higher in vegetarians. Alternative nutrition subjects have a significantly increased plasma levels of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene with high incidence of overthreshold values (92% vs. 42% - vitamin C, 67% vs. 33% - vitamin E, 67% vs. 17% - beta-carotene). There is recorded a significant inverse linear correlation between values of DNA strand breaks + oxidized purines and vitamin C or beta-carotene levels (p<0.01, p<0.05). Vegetarian diet is significantly more rich source of antioxidants. The results of reduced endogenous DNA damage and higher antioxidative status in vegetarians document that a correct vegetarian nutrition might represent an effective cancer prevention.
PMID: 15004656 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Es muy probable que la causa esté, al menos, relacionada con el perfil redox de los seguidores de dietas vegetarianas, por la mayor incorporación de sustancias antioxidantes y por la menor incorporación de sustancias pro oxidantes, como el hierro, grasas saturadas y otras más.
Este trabajo permite entender que las dietas vegetarianas (así como no fumar) son mas protectivas que las dietas omnívoras, en cuando a la estabilidad del Ácido Desoxirribonuncléico (ADN o DNA)
Los invetigadores, usando técnicas adecuadas, comprobaron que los vegetararianos tienen ADN más estable que los que siguen dietas omnívoras; es decir, en estos últimos se observa mayor daño que los vegetarianos. Lo mismo entre no fumadores y fumadores, ya que los fumadores también tienen mayor inestabilidad en su ADN.
Me parece que la causa esté, al menos, muy relacionada con el perfil redox de los seguidores de dietas vegetarianas (en general mejor que los omnívoros), por la mayor incoporación de sustancias antioxidantes y por la menor incorporación de sustancias pro oxidantes, como el hierro, grasas saturadas y otras más.
Este trabajo permite entender que las dietas vegetarianas (así como no fumar) son mas protectivas que las dietas omnívoras, en cuando a la estabilidad del Ácido Desoxirribonuncléico (ADN o DNA), con las posibles consecuencias de la inestabilidad de esta macromolécula, como son ciertos cánceres.
The effect of smoking and eating habits on DNA damage in Indian population as measured in the Comet assay
Alok Dhawan, Neeraj Mathur, Prahlad Kishore Seth
Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, P.O. Box 80, M.G. Marg, Lucknow 226 007, Uttar Pradesh, India
PMID:11239969 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
This study was undertaken with the aim of assessing the status of DNA damage in a normal healthy Indian population. The 62 male volunteers in this study belonged to the smoking, non-smoking, vegetarian and non-vegetarian categories, were well educated and aged between 23 and 57 years. The data revealed significant differences in the extent of DNA damage in the smokers versus non-smokers as well as between the vegetarians and non-vegetarians. A significant difference was also observed amongst the different groups of smokers depending on the extent of smoking. An age-dependent effect in DNA damage was also observed. This preliminary study has, for the first time, revealed differences in the extent of DNA damage in the normal Indian population depending on their eating and smoking habits as well as age. \
Oxidative DNA damage in relation to nutrition.
Krajcovicová-Kudlácková M, Dusinská .M
Oxidative DNA damage in humans could arise also from incorrect nutritional habit and life style. DNA strand breaks with apurinic/apyrimidinic sites, oxidized purines and oxidized pyrimidines were assessed in 24 subjectively healthy vegetarians (plant food, dairy products, eggs) and compared with 24 non-vegetarians (traditional diet, general population). DNA strand breaks + oxidized purines are significantly reduced in vegetarians (p<0.05), DNA strand breaks are nonsignificantly decreased. The sufficient antioxidative status (overthreshold values of natural essential antioxidants, which mean a reduced risk of free radical disease) is crucial in free radical defense. Intake of protective food commodities (fruit, vegetables, dark grain products, grain sprouts, oil seeds) is significantly higher in vegetarians. Alternative nutrition subjects have a significantly increased plasma levels of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene with high incidence of overthreshold values (92% vs. 42% - vitamin C, 67% vs. 33% - vitamin E, 67% vs. 17% - beta-carotene). There is recorded a significant inverse linear correlation between values of DNA strand breaks + oxidized purines and vitamin C or beta-carotene levels (p<0.01, p<0.05). Vegetarian diet is significantly more rich source of antioxidants. The results of reduced endogenous DNA damage and higher antioxidative status in vegetarians document that a correct vegetarian nutrition might represent an effective cancer prevention.
PMID: 15004656 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Es muy probable que la causa esté, al menos, relacionada con el perfil redox de los seguidores de dietas vegetarianas, por la mayor incorporación de sustancias antioxidantes y por la menor incorporación de sustancias pro oxidantes, como el hierro, grasas saturadas y otras más.
Este trabajo permite entender que las dietas vegetarianas (así como no fumar) son mas protectivas que las dietas omnívoras, en cuando a la estabilidad del Ácido Desoxirribonuncléico (ADN o DNA)